Why are we here? We are born to live a life full of struggles. Surviving it, eating to endure, creating for ease, destroying for dominance, loving for happiness, hating for pain, anger for loss and fearing for the unknown. But alas! We die leaving behind our legacy, which too merely gets into history books. We may well again be born into this vicious loop of life, the birth & death, hoping this process being continued with the universe expanding with time, like our imagination or exactly consciousness. My outlook never found any credible answer for the exact purpose of us to exist in this physical form, but probably it may be for the creation of the future and to balance it for some concealed reasons. For our mankind, we intend to develop our world with sophisticated technology for the ease of work knowingly that one day it may destroy the future of mankind. Perhaps, it may be a war, climatic changes or any natural calamities that are might wound our earth so as to force it to reset, making us to return to the initial that we had developed from. Starting from the scratch, we reach the utmost of technology and then collapse in on ourselves again. A paradox, like we are in a closed loop. Are we creating this loop purposefully or is it the way of nature? If this is happens without time or consciousness getting reversed, it’s just our development collapsing and regaining, if so at which point did this loop started first, with initiating of consciousness? It’s a very complicated question for which the answers are only assumptions devoid of healthy explanations. Some try giving physical explanation from quantum theory or relative theory or by forming mathematical equations to prove the theory of everything. Our scientists are trying their best to unveil the curtains and remain unsuccessful in encountering the perfect answers. This may be the reason for why we are in a limit of three dimensional spaces as we imagine being in and can’t get the exact information from the higher dimensions unless we reach there. If anyhow, we do get the answer, then it will be a great breakthrough that may embrace, excite or might frighten us. At present, our thoughts are not sufficient enough to solve this mystery as we are in limit, so the real challenge for us is to break our limits. The possibilities of challenging our limits may end up in losing our mental sanity than arriving at a solution or may be the energy that we contain may find the solution but won’t have that strength to communicate back by any means as they may be of higher dimensions for our minds to grasp. Just like we can see two dimensional, one dimensional and imagine higher dimensions but can’t get through one with our physical body. Can energy do it? Most probably yes, as it can’t be destroyed and so possess the ability to move around different dimensions which hint that energy may have the answer for most of our problems. So energies are parts of eternal power, omnipotent. Our science is developing day by day with lots of answers for the questions that we try to prove but at the same time we get bombarded by fresh number of other questions. So it’s like a chain, when we generate solutions, another set of questions arise. So, we could not end up with finite solutions and it raises a set of other questions among us. Are we here stuck in a puzzle or purpose? There are answers that we can’t explain for any sake as we have some limits or boundaries, we heard a lot from energetic yogic people with suitable power and vision who can do astral projections as well as move to different dimensions but still none of them gave any credible answers. May be eternal power can’t be so direct to us in any manner, if not, why? The first thing we need to do is to find our true unknown purpose and to accomplish it. Then solutions as well as acknowledgements may come to us directly. Obviously, major population in our world are oblivion and most of them think that those who care for all these questions & answers are pipe dreamers! Can’t mention exactly as pipe dreamers, probably they are omniscient. Any way, it’s the absurd or absurdism as in philosophy, creating conflict to our tendency to seek inherent value as well meaning in life and the human inability to find any. So if anyone born with boundless wisdom and limitless knowledge could ever answer the question addressed by the epistemology “how do you know what you know?” That’s it, we will reach the finite credible answers, so can’t exactly say that the elucidation are improbable, rather it’s beyond and unknown.
We have always been betrayed and brought down to ground by the state and its rulers over and over again. This has been quite a routine and still we choose to elect the same representatives at the edge of the election and we fall in the same pit that they dig for us in the last few years. We spot them at the time of crisis, interrupt the public and adopt violent illogical solutions which become a barrier in our everyday life. The representatives show us a mirage of wonderful days of a possible future and we again fall back into the same pit that we have always been falling into. Why do we actually need to believe and elect the only one that is present at that stage? Why can’t we think and opt for alternative ideas that can satisfy our needs as well as develop the country’s economy?
Kick the present voting machine off the table and think for more. Are our needs satisfied? How much is the salary of a minister and how far is he earning while in power? Why do we still have to elect him when there are million other people who are morally better? Why doesn’t each of us step up and make a righteous decision? Doesn’t each of us have that power to question about the work of the government? There are a lot more questions that can be brought forward against the corrupt nation and society, but it doesn’t make any sense in just sitting out here and writing out a big article when we ourselves can’t sort out a solution for the issues.
“Hey sir! The ruling member is fraudulent and he has been directing the money coming for the development of our village into his own pocket.” Of course the opposition party would order for a flex and publish in the newspapers and Televisions that they are doing a big job by going for a strike on the very next day. Did that ever work? The one who had been filling the money bag would throw a piece into the opposition’s pocket and the problem would be compromised and all that the public will get is a day off from their offices. Okay! If that didn’t happen, what would have been the opposition member doing if he were on the same ruling seat as the corrupt? Let’s just drop it ill and focus back onto the topic. We need a solution for the problems without creating violence or by getting involved in illegal acts. So are there many of such ideas that could be brought to effect, which can minimize these illegal movements to null.
The problem of corruption had risen to this height only because the position of the ruling seat is handed over only to a single person who exercises a big amount of power in his fist. The opposition is dealt with and compromised with promises and illusions of brighter sides. How can we really deal with such a problem as this, is the question that most of us had really ignored. Now, since we have seen such extreme and really do have an idea of what kind of people are ruling over us, we have to step up.
Let’s do some business now and imagine that there is an apple on the table that is to be fed to you by one from your two best friends. Assume that you three are sitting round a table and the apple is placed on it. Each of you wants to eat the apple but it was gifted to you by someone “X” and so it becomes your property. Now we can consider two options by which they can feed you the apple.
1) ELECTIVE PROCESS: In this method, you would be the center and would be asked to choose one from your two friends to be at the rule and feed you the apple. What would you do? Definitely, you would choose the one whom you like/trust the most without considering the fact that both of them are greedy for the apple too. After the election, the rule is handed over to the one you elect and he takes the advantage and takes a larger bite of the apple before you are fed. You become fooled and there is no one to be blamed other than yourself for such an action since you were the one who chose him for the rule.
2) In the second option, let’s assume that you are asked to analyze the efficiency of both your friends at that present time and decide who is willing the best to give you the profit with minimum greed and maximum output. For this action, a debate between the feeders must be held and the decision shall be taken with contracts of effectiveness of their promises and the one who is willing to take the smallest bite before he feeds you can be chosen for the best output. Since both of them likes the apple and you are to analyze between the two, they will start bargaining to the minimum.
Now let’s apply this into the real life. Most of the funds and money that the people deserve for the development as well as for our basic needs are blocked and snatched away by high profiles even before they would reach to the right hands and all we get at the end are question marks and promises for the next time. This is the same thing that had happened in the first option in the above examples. Most of the apple is bit off by the one whom we had trusted and elected and only a small part of what we had deserved would really reach us.
But if we had two representatives who followed us for the development, one always being cross to the other, and the public had access to control and decide for the righteous choice which will bring maximum profit and development to the society with minimum chances of corruption, then it would have been an easy way to follow ourselves into the path of success. There are a lot of ways by which public can have access to the direct voting for the right decisions. Social Media or free mobile messaging services at a fixed time on daily or weekly basis can set up a voting panel for the current programs of the government. The promises made by both the representatives could be posted on the media for checks and contracts shall be made for the one who promises for the maximum efficiency on their work. This is just one of those common ideas that come into the minds of those common people who suffer due to this corrupt world. The rest is for you to think and act and thoughts doesn’t have any limits. Be free and do bring the change.
The politics of Beef: Holy cow?Bull shit!!
- Phantom Watcher
We have finally, after years of research and studies, identified the gene based disorder that has plagued the people of our great nation for centuries, we acquaint you to the unique brain-killer ‘Cowdipus Complex’
Cowdipus complex: A psychotic state among humans where in the domestic animal, Cow, is treated as one’s divine mother. This outlook is however only limited to an ideological standpoint and not in practice. People suffering from this disorder have been known to display senseless and violent behavioural patterns under circumstances where they believe that fellow humans of any other religion or spiritual belief (especially Muslims) are in possession of or have consumed cow meat.
This disorder has been observed so far in a particular section of the orthodox Hindu community, Anthropologists and scientists have confirmed that this section of humanity has also shown a great resistance to the natural evolutionary process and thereby still continue to exist in some primitive stage of human sensory and brain development.
It is indeed sad and shocking to say the least, witnessing people across the country behaving as they are, in wake of the latest round of issues relating to Cow-slaughter. It is true that Cows, due to their indisputable status of being the most beneficial agricultural asset, has for centuries been given an honorary position in our Culture (our society was until the turn of the last century primarily agrarian or agro-based). But that does not give us the right, being the majority religious presence in the country (Hindus), to enforce our beliefs upon the rest of humanity who dwell within the geographical borders of this country.
The issue of Cow-slaughter has from centuries been used as a tool to divide the idiotically devout Indian population. This technique, time and again showing great potency in turning brother against brother, has once again been put to good use by the current regime with the stark intention of creating a religious polarity.Though often governments cite the welfare of Cows and through it correspondingly, safeguarding of the Indian Agricultural scenario as the main reason for the enactment of decrees against Cow-slaughter, the truth could not be more contradictory. In actuality, despite all the religious sentiments attached with the Cow, it is one of the most brutally treated life forms in the country. It is no more than an ever-tolerant soul destined to be milked blood-dry and thrown into slaughter houses once bereft of any purpose.
The governing body so concerned with cow-welfare, and even the very people whose religious sentiments are so volatile(that they are profoundly offended if a Muslim or a person from any other religious community consumesbeef) have never in the slightest way contributed to make the existence of these so called ‘Gow-Mathas’ any better. As house-hold domestics or farm-bred cattle, these noble creatures are mistreated; used only as milk-machines, they have years taken off their life-span in comparison to their wild counterparts due to inconsiderate and exploitative milking. Unhygienic living conditions in farms and lack of proper vaccinations and medical care leads to the untimely death of thousands of cows and the spread of various infections and cattle based diseases. Most of the so called cow-sheds in these farms are just large concrete enclosures without proper illumination or ventilations and no proper means of management or disposal mechanisms for their excretions which are often just left to be and only cleaned occasionally.
The government (central or state) in this country does not have one sensible reason to enact such a law. Besides being a primary violation of an Indian citizen’s fundamental right as guaranteed to him by the constitution and an open violation of one of the major founding ideologies that was embedded into the soul of this nation (Secularism and religious freedom), it is also to be critically noted that India is projected to be the world’s largest exporter of beef, and this so called beef also includes the meat of cows, both, of cows reared particularly for the purpose of slaughter and also those which have outlived their other agricultural uses and are purchased in bulk from civilian farms and homes. This very incongruous policy ofenacting laws to ‘safeguard’ cows within our borders and at the same time also being the world’s largest red-meat exporter in itself highlights the duplicity of the feigned attempt of the government at this so called‘Cow welfare’.The tenacity of the governing bodies in implementing this law, even when it is clearly revealed to be of a hypocritical nature, only suffices to unceremoniously reveal the true underlying religiously tainted agenda.The domestic beef trade and ancillary businesses are majorly owned and operated by Muslims within the country. This law is aimed at crippling one of their major local revenue generating activities whilst also branding a message of religious dominance over them.
Let us also not forget how cows are sacrificed in many temples all over India; such inconsistencies about the outlook towards cows, makes one wonder about the conditional religious offense that the Hindus selectively choose to affect themselves with and only speculate rationale behind them, if it even has one.
More importantly there is another fundamental question that this issue of Cow-slaughter raises towards all of humanity; who decides the value of life? What are the parameters of valuing life? Is the value of a cow’s life more than a dog’s because it gives us milk and is useful to us?, and most importantly what gives man the right to decide which creature should live and which ones should not?
Just something for those religious fanatics to think about (if thinking wouldn’t overwhelm their brain and be a cause of death first), before they lynch the next innocent man for the unforgivable crime of eating beef.
Love, Dream, Dare
- Krishna Pradeep
A moment of love, a minute to dream, the courage to shed tears. Have we done this lately? Have you done this lately? I haven't, which makes me want to write this note.
All day long, we procrastinate, at least I do. And the outcome is nothing. Nothing but a feeling of emptiness deep inside within me.
When was the last time you said 'I love you' from your heart? When was the last time you dreamed about what you want to be or who you want to be? My answers scare me, which makes me wonder 'What am I doing?'
I sit in front of a computer screen all day, with MS word open, waiting for words to come to me while the cursor stare blankly at me. At certain times, I feel the cursor talk to me. Then something makes me want to write and the next second, I am procrastinating.
In the midst of this fast moving world with smart phones and not so smart people, we waste a lot of time and yet make excuses saying we don't have time. Maybe its time to stop and take a step back. Embrace everything around you. Look into the eyes of the one you love. Find something that inspire you. Don't hold yourself back because you might regret it someday.
Take a moment to love. Your parents, your friends, your mentor, your pet, the neighbour who ruined your childhood... whatever it maybe. Take a minute to dream. From making sandcastles to finding a new proof. And lastly, have the courage to shed some tears. Let it all go. If your heart is full, then how can you make memories that'll make you smile someday?
Oh thinking Man!! Wherefore art
Reverent retrogression - Ravages of rabid religiousness
age old gamble for his soul
Deuteronomy 13:9
condemning idolaters to death)
Religion has murdered billions from the dawn of human history, It has turned man against man, it is one of the major reason for the exploitation of woman, it promotes and reinforces willing slavery, it has preached subjugation of other races and colonisation with a view to coerce and convert, it has always been the unquestionable front to all known debaucheries and decadences of our species, it had impeded human development with illogical interpretations of its scriptures etc. and yet all these crimes pale in comparison to itsmost notable malice, the irreparable damage of depriving man of reasonable thought and having replaced it with irrational fear and illogical beliefs.
Religion, the oldest form of organised crime, preying upon man’s unreasonable dread and anxiety, ever ensuring his unconditional subjugation from behind demonic masks, voices from the sky and parlour tricks in the name of ‘miracles’. Whatever it was originally meant to be, an unbiased retrospection into millenniums of human history would beyond doubt overwhelmingly substantiate the most fundamental truth about Religion–that, it is simply the greatest evil, the most elaborate scheme ever conceived by the mind of man to dominate and manipulate his fellow beings.
From time immemorial, religion has only left a legacy of hate, oppression, misery and destruction for the next generation. The most fundamental question to be asked in today’s circumstance is what has religion actually offered this world? Millenniums of beliefs and religious practices, and has it made this world a better place in anyway? The answer would be an unconditional ‘NO’; it is in-fact one of the greatest paradoxes, that Religion stands on opposite shores, where on one side it’s preaching and on the other the outcomes of its practices are concerned.
It is often justified that religion is the source of strength and hope, whereas in reality, it psychologically conditions people, from their birth and childhood itself, to silently accept all moral, social and political manipulations and injustices in the name of fate, divine plan and the promise of a better place beyond their graves.It systematically subdues the human spirit to accede and endure the system of life and society that powerful slave lords dictate and deem. In modern times religion has become one of the greatest tools for institutions and governments to keep the general public blinded to the actual fact, that they are no more than dispensable resources who labour and toil to pay taxes, to feed corrupt regimes and well-oiledsystems which are put in place to make them willing guinea-pigs for the rich and wealthy. All the apex religious institutions are active decision makers and major playersin the political arena, working hand-in-hand with governments and organised systems to plunder and mislead the general people.
The time has come for us to denounce all religion and embrace the fundamental truth that spirituality and morality are not the offshoots of religion and that we are perfectly capable of leading meaningful and fulfilling lives without the misguidance of religion, that we are not savages, who depend upon the guidelines of religion to chain and subdue the beast within us. Compassion, respect, tolerance, love for nature and all things living are perspectives which can be taught, felt and practiced without religion. It is high time to understand that we are all not misguided souls needing redemption,who need to be threatened with horrors of divine retribution to be capable of any good.
Humanity has spent centuries fighting and hating for invisible sky beings and the fear of their judgement, for a change let us start believing in ourselves rather than imaginary gods and their hypocritical representatives on earth. It shall be the true moment of enlightenment and liberation when humankind finally abandons its unknown fear and finally rediscovers their ability to think and reason for the greater good.
Validation Of Term-based Exploitation
A self-endorsement of idiocy
-Phantom Watcher
‘Voting is my constitutional right’
‘I vote to change the nation for the better’
So has your vote ever made a difference? 68 years of independence and what have we achieved?
It is no great a matter to be counted, as one among the so-called leading developing nations of the world. Especially in today’s age, where owing to the schemes of the oil thirsty United States and its allies, the entire Middle-East is caught up in never ending internal and political turmoil, the African continent – remains, as always a silent and unquestioned guinea-pig for white man’s experiment into new levels of human exploitation and torture, the European Union – Lost in efforts to cloak the shame of debt with the tatters of bygone glory and heritage, well, in midst of such a Global rabble even Pakistan looks like very promising country!! So let us not get carried away on the wings of hollow glorified praises and illusions about our country, it is time we stop talking about dreams and start dealing with reality.
The mainframe Indian Political Scenario - conditionally oscillating between the Italian/Christian moulded Indian National Congress and the senseless Hindu extremes of the BJP- having served as the personal bank of Ms’ Edvige Antonia Albina Màino and her corrupt family, is now also evolving as the breeding ground of a very strange variety of religious Hindu fanatics who, if asked, may not know his grand-father or forefathers name, yet is cocksure about what Ram and Krishna said Millenniums ago and not to mention the Extreme Muslim factions out to do
their respective and personalised Jihads (just don’t ask them what it means, it is after all very vast, complicated and subjective, BUT they are sure that it definitely has to have a lot of meaningless violence, innocent killings, female and child exploitations and most importantly to leave a legacy of off-springs, one which can only be quantified in two, or possibly three digits) who are establishing and spreading their deranged ideologies amidst this fiasco known as Indian Politics.
What is an Indian election now, if not a complete tragedy? Where in, the public are presented two or more incapable, utterly incompetent choices and asked to exercise their democratic right by choosing one among them. If you have ever voted, you need to understand that you are equally responsible for the plight of this nation; you have given them your validation, your consent, to be exploited, to be cheated and to be unconditionally looted. If ever this country judges her citizens, she will hold everyone who has ever voted, as equally responsible for her misfortunes, alongside corrupt politicians and traitors who have dishonoured her. Though over the years many writers/thinkers have put forward this ideology, that in a circumstance where a country has an established system of dishonest leadership and a machinery of corruption, it is the moral and political duty of every citizen to refrain from voting and create a situation of revolt and emergency to make their voices heard.
However, through this article, I wish to propose a very ‘hypothetical’ solution. ‘Hypothetical’, because it relies heavily upon the unity of the general public in-order to be implemented successfully, and until such a day of public awakening is realised this proposition shall remain a hypothetical one.
Tactical Empowerment:
Scenario: The unified citizens of a town face an upcoming election, and as they confront the choice between two major parties and their representatives, they come together to identify key realistic areas where they have needs and/or require a change. In accordance with this consensus they draft a contract, a legally binding and liable contract, stating their essential local needs, immediate necessities and expectations. They present this contract to the contestants, and whichever candidate along with his/her respective political party is willing to accept and endorse this contract will in-turn will be given all the local votes. During the term of their government, or at its conclusion if the candidate and his/her political party has not fulfilled the terms of the contract, the concerned public can move legally against them and also ban any kind of future support for the concerned political party, also any Political party’s election-manifesto, citing its respective promises to people should also be converted into contracts which ensure grave consequences if the promises are not met, these contracts can include matters of local or national importance. And in case all the contestants refuse to accept the contract, the unified public can collectively refuse to cast their votes at all.
Now, as highlighted in the above scenario, the general public have a great degree of influence upon the contesting political parties, by entering into a legally binding contract they affix accountability upon the ones on whom they bestow power through their votes. The candidates and their political parties, now have an expressed, endorsed and consented responsibility sphere, which if not fulfilled gives the public leverage to move against and if the situation demands, to punish and/or withdraw all future support for them. This system of D.E.V.O.T.E can be implemented on various levels and on a wide and highly diversified spectrum to ensure that the power remains in the hands of the people.
One by one let us bargain our needs with these power whores, as they deserve to be dealt with, let us make them earn our vote, fulfil promises or face the consequences. Our current system lacks the element of accountability, these political pimps are not held to their words and promises, they are aware that of the fact that they are beyond responsibility or question. We need to bring in ‘contracts’ to establish personal and organisational responsibility and liability for unfulfilled promises and responsibilities, so that people and groups are identified for their corruption and inefficiency and brought to justice.
Let us stop being blind, we all need to understand that, ‘IF’ we choose to really wake up and ‘get involved’ it is only a matter of time before we can prove that the ‘actual power lies with the common man and woman of this nation’. Then what are we waiting for? Our country and its inhabitants require much better than being unconditionally exploited and systematically looted by these shameless breed of politicians.
Yes, indeed to cast a vote, to have a voice, is our fundamental right, but we must realise, more importantly that it is a greater responsibility. Each time we vote, we are charged with the future of this country, with a duty to ensure that our Mother-land is entrusted into safe and honourable hands, but we have let her down every single time, we have let scum take over the nation and molest her in every which way possible, we have stood by idly and watched as she was debased and humiliated, and as blind cattle we have allowed ourselves to be influenced by the filth of humanity (corrupt politicians/bureaucrats). We let them scare us, divide us, turn us against one another and yet why do we blindly vote again? Why do we suffer and comply in silence?
It is time that the Indian public demand, that we bargain and make these well-fed and brain-dead pieces of meat to work for our votes. The true power lies in our hands; all we have to do is rise beyond our differences and unite, and the resulting power will purge and cleanse this nation, and lead it into lasting glory.
“Mwone!Daivaninda kaanichalo, daivathe smariichillelo, daivam ninnod kopikkum!!” (TRANSLATION: Son! If you disbelieve or disrespect god, He will be mad at you.). These are one of those cliché lines which parents frequently exercise over their children.
Before expounding on this worn out exchange, let’s assume the scenario which brought forth such apprehensive exclamations. Imagine a closed world under a dictator rule. One day, the king decides to enrich his power over his fellow countrymen and wants himself to be praised over and over again. The world under his rule, consisting of different economically distributed men, won’t be having the same kind of opinion about praising the lord. The individual standing right under the power of the lord would definitely wish to overcome the lord, the poor may not praise the lord as they are struggling to fill their stomach twice a day, the middle class may not praise the lord for settling them at that constant state. There are definitely many a million other possible positions. So, how could the lord possibly formulate all of these categories to unanimously praise him? A drastic measure would have to be adopted and brought into action. Simply speaking, there are possibly two ways to make this happen-
1) To give and fill their heart with all the needs that they ask for - practically speaking, we can ignore this impossibility theory as for most of the men, need can be reflected as proportional to the resources. Their demand will go on increasing as much as luxuries they grab.
2) Force them - that is, to establish new laws and rules according to the lord’s concern and bring them to effect by stamping the power on the face of every individual or by severely punishing whoever is not willing to comply with the terms.
Ignoring the first possibility, we can straightaway step on to the second one in detail. If it was forcefully imposed on men, then, there could have been intense punishments carried out through out that period. Sons and daughters would have been taught to kneel down, or stand with heads bowed or half naked with hands folded. The fear for the lord’s punishment would have asked the next generation of men to praise the king by his name and continue this practice till it becomes part of one’s lifestyle and day-to-day activities. It was the fear; and the one who feared would never want his future generations to succumb the way they were subdued.
After pondering upon the above context, let’s imagine that Gods once really existed. If He/She was the creator of everything, then what was the need to create a whole lot of different criteria of living things? Okay! One may confidently say that it is because every living thing has its own vital role to play to balance nature and keep the creation stable. Flowers and verdant fields augment to the beauty, trees convert Carbon dioxide into Oxygen, and Ocean decides the life of aquatic beings and so on. But the question is, what was the need to build up these complications? If the lord was the creator, he could have created a single being, irrespective of whatever form it could be, that can substitute for all the diverse beings that roam the surface of Earth and it would have easily negated all the complications.
Now let’s assume that the one who we had always misunderstood to be the creator was just a part of the creation of the biological matters. Then what is the real possibility that we are still praising their names? Either he was a good one who stood like a common element in the midst of all other elements or he was a bad one whom we always fear. As my focus is on the assumption that he was the ruling member, we can proceed with that. But it is true that I can’t go further without explaining why I had ruled out the assumption of him being the good one.
Imagine that you are having an uncle who is very much close to your family. Let’s think that he has a helping mind and will stand along with you to find some solutions to your entire crisis. It can be imagined like a real vision that if he had been so much kind to your family, then there would be no reason that any of your family members may ask you to wish him every time you saw him by telling you that he will be mad at you if you don’t respect him. Moreover, respect is a feeling that needn’t be reinstated every minute by high praises and pretended reverence. So it rides us back to the assumption of the dictator rule.
Now, it’s the assumption that he had been that dictator who had ruled over our ancestors who had brilliantly passed us the message to praise him unless you want to be doomed for eternity. And that message contains the fear that lies well concealed among other silly matters our mind is indifferent or ignorant to, and hence none of us will ever notice it. Why should we really pray to him for our good, when we have all those facilities to live a certain period of our life? We all go through our ups and downs even though we may dedicate ourselves to him and at those times we blame it on those innocent stars which are always present at a constant place to spread light. Why is it so much necessary to praise him to give us good luck for our future? Suppose you were that good, kind hearted god, then would you demand to be praised for helping those poor people out there? It’s your turn to think whether to praise those gods in fear of getting cursed or to let yourself live for those few seconds in happiness of freedom.
Temples of Servitude
Why are Elephants an indispensable requirement for the deities of Kerala temples?
-Phantom Watcher
It is high time that the Kerala society raises this question, and even more importantly stand together to find a solution to the prolonged plight or our tusked friends, Why are Elephants an indispensable requirement for the deities of Kerala temples? Do our Gods dictate that these gentle creatures be chained and beaten into servitude? Or is it just the demand of a hypocritical temple system established within our society?
These majestic creatures, natives to the calm and serene setting of cool forests and vast grasslands, are instead subjected to the senseless fray of Ulsavams (Temple festivals), human packed arenas within the confines of the temple walls and the centres of aural madness which are further augmented by speakers and enhancers and the maddening blasts of fireworks. In case of any expressed distress or discomfort on the par of these disturbed beasts; they are quickly quelled and put in their place by the ire of the Mahout’s sharpened canes.
Cruelty at the hands of their handlers and Mahouts are almost a routine for these tusked ones, their bodies embellish scars and stains of human discipline, mostly hurt into submission in the name of being tamed.Almost all the Mahouts and handlers, have no formal education or understanding in dealing with these docile creatures, their diversified techniques, only including an array of methods to beat, cut and prod with the object of inducing utmost pain.
The cases of elephants under private ownership are not that different, they have to work to earn the monetary substitute for their sustenance, and as such are either rented out to wood mills, to do heavy lifting or to such festivals where are they are displayed as star attractions. The sad part being that though we have an animal rights and welfare department within the state, they, as is the case with all government departments are led by and constituted of, people who prefer to take no initiative or stand in this matter, especially when it borders on temple and religious practices.
This is the wrong age to implore to our collective consciousness or element of societal compassion, for the stark truth being that we have lost our ability to empathize and logically reason, we have lost all that had once made us human, Still the least we could do is implore the state to ban all private ownership of elephants within its borders and bar the use of elephants or any other animal for that matter, in human religious celebrations. It’s the least we can do after all the other ways in which we have indulged in destroying our ecology and environment, and even then, if our deities and their human representatives refuse to see the pain and sufferings of these animals, then we should let go our uncompassionate blind gods and take pride in being godless.
Who gave birth to you? Mother or Religion???
- Gayathri Jayakumar
India has always nurtured, with at most tenderness and warmth, various religions and cultures. Unity in diversity was always a word to exhibit the impartial yet considerate affection of the land towards all its citizens. But currently the scenario had taken a radical shift, where boundaries cut through the land, bleeding and maiming it. Tagore's land of hope and love is bleeding, sliced by the barbed wires of religion- a system man himself constituted to structure society. Today, as man fall short of the understanding that religions were cultural constructs, societies and individuals grope in the darkness brought upon by the blinding veils of fanaticism. They tear apart each other and fight upon the claim to other's lives, even beasts and birds.
The concept of Cow as the Mother is fine. It is, as per our believes a very reasonable one. Cows have literally helped civilizations prosper. But the claim to a complete ban on just cow meat... You can for yourselves see the consequences. The matter is not about the perception about the animal, but the perception of people. There have been many instances where those beasts have been subjected to even unnatural sexual acts by people and no one had a voice to raise, no one thought of equating them with divinity. Considering that the Hindu pantheon gives high regard to Cow as a form of Bhoomi devi and Bull as Nandikesh, it is only very proper to consider Naag, adorning Mahadev, Mouse, the vehicle of Sri Ganesh, Peacock vehicle to Karthikey, Lion or Tiger to Devi Gayathri, Swan to Brahma, Garud to Vishnu and so on and bestow upon these creatures as well a promise and security of divinity. Which means all these animals should be worshiped with the same devotion and zeal and should be protected with bans, bellowing aloud how they are sacred and divine.
But, if, this debate about banning beef is solely based on the claim that cow gives us milk, then the same reason has to be summoned to uphold a ban against goat slaughter as well. It gives us manure and milk, just like the cow, and is easily manageable as well. Cow and goat, then, are not the only candidates to the honour. From time immemorial we have depended upon hens for eggs and manure. Eggs are after all part of a daily advisable diet and is considered essential alongside a glass of milk. Doesn't this indicate that if cow slaughter calls forth the excuse that cows give us milk and manure and hence have enabled civilizations to progress, then the same has to be done for goats and hens???
But, keeping that aside, if we consider the claim that these creatures exist for man to feed...I consider nothing else as a bigger blunder than this. We are, because other creatures are...They don't need us to survive, but we need them Our entire life and ecosystem depends upon each of those big and small, micro and macro creatures that surround us. Without humans the world will survive, but without the other creatures...nothing will. We are at their mercy and live in a false belief that we rule over those stately beasts and majestic birds.
What claim do you have, man, upon the birds and beasts that the Earth gave birth to, and nurture with care? What right do you have to kill the son of a woman you barely even know!!! What right do you have upon your own self? Who do you think You are? God or Man? Know then. that the God you know was an idea born in someone's head. The real God is around you, and in the beings that surround you. Those beings whom you slaughter to feed on, and those beings whom you consider reasons to your silly fanatic religious quarrels. Know then, that like art and literature, religion is also a collage work of ideas that was born in the heads of many men who wanted to systematize the conduct and dealings when a group of humans began to settle in together and to ensure that equality and peace reigned upon such a collective settlement.
It is a foul blemish, that is rotting and reeking of a stench, that the present world lacks even one by hundredth the understanding and intellect of the ancestors, who, for the betterment of a group settlement crafted metaphors to function as adhesives to glue us together. And you call them primitive in thought, and you call them barbarians!!! Who are you??? and What do you stand for?? For religion??? Is that it?? And not for the creatures and the world that the real God crafted with love and care??? Not for Mother nature? For Earth? The Mother who gave birth to you and patiently awaits for your enlightenment that the world is your home and all creatures your family??? If you still say that you are a Hindu or a Christian or Musalmaan, i will, once again pose to you my question..... WHO GAVE BIRTH TO YOU? MOTHER OR RELIGION????
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